Personal Website of Creative Strategist Matthew Walker

An Interview I did For

By Matt Walker | April 25, 2012 | 0 Comment

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name // Matthew Walker
current employer // ESPN
location // Farmington, Connecticut, USA
twitter // @walkdesign
website //
other //



my favorite killed logo: Lunar Sports Group.

Because: it had texture, it was traditional, but bold and fun.

With every new logo design, I always try to: keep it simple, clean and identifiable


When I get stuck, I usually: go as far as I can go and then go to bed or take a long break with a fresh perspective.


The most ridiculous thing a client actually said: I can’t think of anything off hand, but it usually involves price. I think most people think a logo only costs $200 tops. It still amazes me that I need to explain the value of something so pivotal to their business.


I knew I had made it as a logo designer when: I saw my logo on a Zamboni. That was and still is a mind blowing concept to me.


I wish I had thought of Twitter first.


My least favorite part of being a logo designer is: having to explain with almost every project that a logo is not a mural. It’s a simple idea, not a long drawn out story.


My favorite aspect of iheartlogos is: seeing other great logos.


Anything else we should know about or check out?
I think Lost Type Co-op is one of the greatest examples of our industry.


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